Food Education
Teaching kids about healthy food is like introducing them to superheroes.
It sets the foundation for lifelong healthy eating, provides essential nutrients for growth and development, fights off diseases, and teaches children about sustainability and the environment.
They might just plant their own roots in SoBu.

@ Common Roots
All children in our community learn about nutrition through our Farm-to-School programs.
We make it interactive and fun with
PLP activities and tasting experiences.
Our internship program empowers almost 100 students from SoBu and VT colleges annually.
Every one of them contributes to the community and learns about sustainable local food.
We are proud to farm and offer local, organic, and legacy produce proteins, all grown, prepared, and sold right here in SoBu. Join us in our mission to create a sustainable food culture!

Volunteer to support our mission
Join the Common Roots community
Partner with us as a farm or business partner
Ask your representatives about our mission
Talk with your students about our education programs, PLP opportunities and internships
Donate to our MIB Expansion Project
Buy farm-fresh produce, proteins, meals
Host a gathering or event